Sunday, January 20, 2013


Winter after the holiday season is over can be a long, dismal and depressing time of year for some depending on where you live and how severe of a winter you have.  Winter can be an eye opening time of discovery, opening up views that are blocked that we do not see or notice in the other seasons of the year.

The bark of our trees can offer special characteristics that may be hidden from plain view except in winter.  Platanus occidentalis our American Sycamore is one of our showiest native trees when it comes to bark. Most Sycamores only have a good showing of bark on the upper portion of the tree, this blocks the view except in the months that foliage is in the way. American Sycamore is one of our fastest growing and largest growing trees in the eastern United States . It is also tolerant of some soil compaction and periodic flooding. Winter is when its glory shines. Brighten your winter days and go locate a Sycamore, it will lift your spirits.

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